STAMOD analysts have helped businesses from all over the world overcome their biggest challenges in different industries, including finance, marketing, and sustainability. How do they do it? By using primary sources and secondary research, along with their expertise, to provide actionable insights that get results. In this article, we’ll help you better understand the art of primary sources and secondary research so you can start making your own positive changes right away.

What is Secondary Research?
For most investors, secondary research is everything: There are thousands upon thousands of pages of historical data you can use to analyze everything from stocks to commodities. And, since all that data comes from public sources like government agencies or organizations, it’s perfectly legal for you to use it. Now, by legal we mean that you won’t get sued (or at least not yet), but nothing in life is truly free – there’s no such thing as a free lunch. So how do you know if a piece of information is worth your time? Here’s where our STAMOD analysts come in. We have years of experience with primary and secondary research; we know what kind of information should be used, how to find it quickly, and which pieces are worth our time.

What are Secondary Sources?
It’s important to know what primary sources are, but it’s also important to know how they differ from secondary sources. Let’s say your research question is What motivates cyber-attacks against large US corporations? Primary sources would be academic papers on cyber-crime. Secondary sources would be articles by journalists that summarize these academic papers.
Primary Source Analysis and Credibility
While primary sources can provide a wealth of information, it is important to verify these sources using secondary research. While reviewing primary source documents such as newspapers, books, or government documents may be extremely useful, it’s necessary to take them with a grain of salt. Primary sources are notorious for having skewed opinions and subjective reporting. However, examining multiple primary sources will help add credibility to your report. That’s because you can see varying perspectives within your topic or area of study.

Understanding the Source Material
STAMOD primary sources can be a goldmine for information. However, that doesn’t mean there’s no risk in getting your hands on classified material. It is also important to note that STAMOD analysts often perform secondary research as well. This information comes from already-published resources, but can still be extremely valuable when used correctly.
Why is it so Critical?
What’s critical to understand is that while primary research helps us get information directly from consumers, it isn’t always possible to conduct primary research (for example, if you’re starting a business in a foreign country or don’t have much capital). In these situations, we can turn to secondary sources.

Where Do We Go From Here?
Great research starts with an accurate snapshot of where your business is right now. The best way to do that is by looking at what you’ve already built—your website, app, or product. But how exactly do you gather data from a digital medium? Read on to find out what types of primary sources are most common in the digital world. Also, learn how an expert can help you start with collecting them…or do it with STAMOD Research Analysts.
Now that you’ve discovered just how easy it is to use STAMOD for primary and secondary research, it’s time to dig in and start your project journey. Using experienced analysts means that our staff will save you time by eliminating up-front analysis costs. It directly helps in giving you results faster and cheaper. As a result, your company can now experience cost savings that previously weren’t available from competing offshore providers. You can have your questions answered quickly, with deep analytics and customized turnarounds that make sense for you! The advantages of using experienced STAMOD analysts give results faster and cheaper.
STAMOD Research Analysts start at $12/hr